About us

Before the beginning of the Russian aggression against Ukraine, the From Heart To Heart service was conceived as a platform where it would be possible to unite the entire diaspora of Ukrainians. After all, the path of an emigrant is sometimes one of the most difficult and confusing. Currently, there is an urgent need for such a service, when a person who fled the war and dared to leave his homeland, relatives and friends in search of a safe place to live, faces a variety of challenges, from financial and organizational to emotional and psychological. Finding yourself in another culture, among people who speak a foreign, not always familiar language, and have a different mentality, it is very easy to fall into an invisible bubble of isolation. This is the case when you feel completely alone and lost in a crowd of strangers. All this can complicate the already difficult path of a refugee and emigrant.

That is why the From Heart To Heart Team has created a unique platform that aims to unite Ukrainians abroad, provide an opportunity for communication and a chance to find the support you have been missing. If you are a Ukrainian and was forced to leave home, this is where you can not only find new friends, like-minded people, roommates, housing, work (or even offer work for compatriots), a company for spending time together, like meetings in a pub or go to the cinema, but also start a romantic relationship or even find a real soul mate! At least we really hope so!

From Heart to Heart has created the most favourable conditions for communication at the highest level to once again prove to the world that Ukrainians are one of the friendliest and united nations.

We believe that our idea will find a response in the hearts of the Ukrainian community living abroad, and this project will become popular and useful in the whole world, which is actually our mission. If you have suggestions or new ideas for the development of this project, we will gladly consider them.


From Heart to Heart

Helping each other